Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Little Bit of Where We Live

Here are a few pictures of Yokohama. I took them while waiting outside CoCo's for my take-out order! :)

They aren't the best, but they are interesting! I really wish you guys could see this in person, Japan is amazing! Every twist, every turn, leads to something so new and exciting! With the exception of when your driving around L O S T. (don't ask! :)

Oh CoCo ICHIBANYA, We L O V E You!!!

Just outside the entrance.
This is their delivery car! :)

Who woulda thunk it? A little piece of Heaven right here on the island of Japan!
CoCo ICHIBANYA (the worlds GREATEST Curry House)

So... I used to get "pissy" when I would call Michael (while I was still back in the states) and he was always at "CoCo's." I couldn't figure out why he was always there... What could POSSIBLY be that addicting? Curry? Yuck!
Oh Boy, was I ever SO wrong!! CoCo ICHIBANYA is my new favorite place to eat! Apparently it is like a Japanese version of any American fast food chain... just with curry entrees.
Laela even enjoys the curry sauce on her sticky rice(: (we get hers mild ofcourse)
Check out the Menu!! They even translate it in Spanish for you more "southern" Californians! :P
You have NO idea what you guys are missing out on! It's ALMOST worth the plane fare!