Saturday, June 13, 2009

Oh CoCo ICHIBANYA, We L O V E You!!!

Just outside the entrance.
This is their delivery car! :)

Who woulda thunk it? A little piece of Heaven right here on the island of Japan!
CoCo ICHIBANYA (the worlds GREATEST Curry House)

So... I used to get "pissy" when I would call Michael (while I was still back in the states) and he was always at "CoCo's." I couldn't figure out why he was always there... What could POSSIBLY be that addicting? Curry? Yuck!
Oh Boy, was I ever SO wrong!! CoCo ICHIBANYA is my new favorite place to eat! Apparently it is like a Japanese version of any American fast food chain... just with curry entrees.
Laela even enjoys the curry sauce on her sticky rice(: (we get hers mild ofcourse)
Check out the Menu!! They even translate it in Spanish for you more "southern" Californians! :P
You have NO idea what you guys are missing out on! It's ALMOST worth the plane fare!